Friday, 2 January 2015

Cleveland Way - Conclusion

I think the accidental meeting up with Gary & Dean and having some good company made it a much more enjoyable experience than walking solo for 7 days.

I was put off carrying any luxuries or extras after reading articles that suggested the misery begins at anything over 30lbs or 14kgs. I was carrying just over 15kgs and the weight of the rucksack on my back was never an issue. Certainly some additional warm clothing would have been desirable especially if we had camped wild more often because the nights were cold and damp.

I carried far too much food,  I packed enough to last me the full trip, it was unnecessary to be self sufficient.

I opted to use my lightweight Salomon 3D GTX boots they are light very comfortable and I had no problems with them.The weather was good and it was largely dry underfoot but I think the support of my heavier leather Mammut 3 season boot would have been better because of the additional weight I was carrying.

A slightly bigger tent than my trusty Saunders Jet Packer, would give the luxury of a little bit more room inside this would easily offset any weight penalty.

I now know, thanks to Gary & Dean, that I average 18 mpg (miles per gallon of beer) and due to the availability of fish & chips, pies, roast dinners and beer I weighed slightly more at the end than at the start and until I wrote this blog my wife thought it was muscle development.

Here's to the next adventure!

The book that inspired two walks.

In memory of my dad, Arthur.

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