Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Pictures Inn the Blackamoor

First The Bad News
Unfortunately my photographic exhibition at Sunnyhurst Visitors Centre has now come to an end. I would like to thank everybody who visited the exhibition for their positive comments and support. It was very rewarding to have so many people commenting on my work, thank you.

Then The Good News
However for those that didn't get the opportunity to see my pictures all is not lost, I am displaying over twenty photographs at The Blackamoor Inn. 140 Roman Rd. Blackburn. BB1 2LD. The plus side of this is that you get the opportunity to drink some great Thwaites beer in a very warm and friendly pub surrounded by my pictures.

Alan & Diane really make everybody feel welcome at the Blackamoor and it truly is a great pint there.
(I can heartily recommend the Guinness, it's the best there is this side of St. James Gate)
There is all the usual pub games; Pool, Darts, Dominoes and a Quiz Night (it's not an easy one) and at the moment the kitty in the "Unlock The Box" competition stands at over £80. 

So get down up to the Blackamoor and who knows you just might see us in 'The Cosy Corner' in front of the fire enjoying a great pint in a really good pub.

I even made the front cover of the monthly newsletter "Inn the Blackamoor".....

but was surpassed by Barbara's amazing photo of a hot air balloon skimming the roof of the Blackamoor.

We presented Allan & Diane with a large framed print of the picture which he immediately hung up at the end of the bar. We all thought that it was the perfect picture for a 'Caption Competition' and Allan offered to donate either a bottle of wine or some beers to the winner. I have had some good ideas for a title, pity I can't enter but if you fancy a go email Allan at inntheblackamoor@hotmail.co.uk or better still nip in for a pint and post it in the box, you have got until the 31st May 2013. 

Hope to see you there!